Basics of Adrenal Fatigue


Picture of adrenal glands

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a set of symptoms like chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, salt and sugar cravings, and difficulty recovering from stress or illness. More recently it has been referred to as adrenal dysfunction or H-P-A axis dysfunction. It is a condition affecting the adrenal glands, which are small, pyramid-shaped glands located on top of the kidneys. They produce hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and aldosterone, which play a crucial role in managing stress, regulating blood pressure, and more.

While not officially recognized by conventional medicine, those of us in the functional medicine space see it and treat it often. And I have experienced it firsthand so I know it is a real medical condition that can be successfully treated without the use of prescription medications. 

Factors like prolonged stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and chronic illness can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Management often involves lifestyle modifications like better sleep, stress management techniques, and often times supplements, including B complex, Ashwagandha, L-Theanine and Vitamin C. I talked about these supplements in more detail on my most recent YouTube .

If you find yourself experiencing persistent symptoms such as chronic fatigue, low energy levels, lack of motivation, intense food cravings, and difficulties with sleep quality or quantity, it is important to consider the possibility of adrenal dysfunction. 

Foods That Nourish vs. Foods That Deplete

Knowing what to eat is key to managing stress and enhancing your overall well-being. In my programs, we focus on enjoying food without guilt and tuning into how different foods affect your body.

By paying attention to how you feel during meals, you can pinpoint foods that aid your healing and those that don't. This is especially crucial for people with adrenal issues. While sugar and caffeine might seem like quick energy fixes, they actually worsen the cycle of dependency on external stimulants for energy. Over time, this can exacerbate adrenal dysfunction.

Instead of reaching for sugar or caffeine when you need a pick-me-up, try a mix of lean protein and healthy fats. This will give you a steady energy boost without the crash that often follows sugary or caffeinated options.

Lean Proteins:

  • Chicken Breast: Skinless, boneless chicken breast is a go-to for lean protein.

  • Turkey: Ground turkey or turkey breast slices are both lean options.

  • Fish: Especially white fish like cod, tilapia, and flounder.

  • Tofu: A plant-based option that's low in fat.

  • Egg Whites: All protein and no fat.

  • Greek Yogurt: Opt for the low-fat or non-fat versions.

  • Cottage Cheese: Low-fat or skim versions are leaner.

  • Pork Tenderloin: A lean cut of pork.

  • Venison: Leaner than beef and rich in protein.

  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are good plant-based proteins.

Healthy Fats:

  • Avocado: Great for salads, smoothies, or on its own.

  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are good but high in calories, so eat in moderation.

  • Seeds: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are nutrient-dense.

  • Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil is best.

  • Coconut Oil: Good for cooking at high temperatures.

  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3s.

  • Dark Chocolate: Choose at least 70% cocoa content for less sugar.

  • Nut Butters: Look for natural, sugar-free options.

  • Greek Yogurt: Full-fat versions contain more good fats.

  • Olive Oil: A good source of monounsaturated fats.

Quinoa, Avocado & Grilled Chicken Bowl Recipe


Sometimes I think about how many people are stuck in the same dark, lonely space I once was, struggling with traditional treatments for depression. If it weren't for a functional medicine doctor who truly listened and got to the root of my issues, I wouldn't be here sharing this with you today.

Embarking on a healing journey isn't easy, but it's absolutely worth it. There's a brighter future ahead, and with the right guidance, you can escape the darkness. Know that you're not alone. Professionals like myself, who specialize in functional medicine, are here to provide the targeted support you need. Stay committed, keep seeking answers, and don't hesitate to ask for the help you deserve.


Top Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue

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