Desire Unleashed: Understanding and Addressing Low Libido in Women

Dr. Renee Wellenstein in a red shirt blowing a kiss

Do you find your desire for intimacy dwindling, leaving you puzzled and concerned about its impact on your relationship? If you're a woman grappling with a waning libido, worry not. In this blog, we'll delve into the three key factors behind low libido based on my research. Let's uncover the secrets to reigniting that spark and nurturing a healthier, more satisfying connection.

When it comes to understanding why some women experience low libido, there's not a lot of research out there. In the past, most studies focused on men because their hormones are simpler. So, I decided to do my own research by using quizzes and surveys. The results were quite revealing.

My goal in this research was not just to find out what causes low libido in women but also to give them a place to start if they want to improve their libido. I created a quiz that can help identify the main reason for low libido and suggest things to improve it. You can find a link to this quiz here if you want to take it.

In the quiz, we explore five different reasons why someone might have low libido. Keep in mind that there could be more than one reason, but the quiz will highlight the most important one so you can take action right away."

1. Mindset Matters: The Libido Type "Never Good Enough" (40%)

When it comes to understanding low libido, one key player in the equation is your mindset. Imagine your mindset as the lead character in a drama series – not always in the limelight, but always making its presence known… In fact, your mindset might just be the secret star of the "Unraveling the Mystery of Your Low Libido."

Let's be honest, many of us are experts at self-doubt and negative self-talk. You know that little voice in your head that questions if you're worthy or good enough? It's like having an uninvited critic who's all too skilled at undermining your confidence. This inner critic often conducts the "Low Libido Symphony."

So, what do we often do in response? We embark on a quest to prove our worthiness, like collecting gold stars in a never-ending game. But this star-chasing can lead to burnout as we pour all our energy into everything and everyone but ourselves.

Let's also consider how our minds perceive our bodies. If you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, it's like trying to sell a house you wouldn't want to live in – it just doesn't work. Feeling disconnected from your body can significantly impact your libido.

Here's the takeaway: your mindset plays a starring role in the story of low libido. It's the sneaky saboteur that needs eviction pronto. Why? Because you are more than enough, just as you are. You don't need to exhaust yourself trying to prove it.

And as for feeling confident in your own skin, it's akin to hanging up a "No More Self-Criticism" sign in your mind. Embrace your uniqueness, those quirks that make you who you are, and those curves that prove your femininity. When you start embracing your confidence, your libido may decide it's time for a comeback.

So, what's the game plan? In my 12-week signature program, when we focus on Libido Type M, we address mindset, detoxification, dietary choices, and stress management to rekindle that desire!

2. Hormonal Disharmony: Unpacking "Libido Type H" (40%)

Welcome to the intriguing world of "Libido Type H,” the hormonally imbalanced libido type.  Get ready because we're about to explore the rollercoaster ride of hormones, and it's a journey you'll definitely want to know more about!!

Imagine you're a chemist mixing the potion of hormones inside your body. But here's the twist – you might have accidentally poured in a bit too much of one and not enough of another. The result? Your libido decides to take a vacation. Don't worry; you're not alone. We're in the midst of a hormonal party, and things can sometimes get a bit off-kilter.

Let's shine the spotlight on our hormone rockstars: cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. They're like the VIPs at the party, and when they're in sync, life's a celebration. But every now and then, they decide to play hide-and-seek with their levels. Suddenly, your energy plummets, your mood goes haywire, and your desire for intimacy? It's on hiatus without a return ticket.

But here's the silver lining – being "Libido Type H" is more common than your morning cup of joe. You're part of a community where hormonal imbalances sometimes crash the party uninvited.

The good news is that these hormonal hiccups can be sorted out. Think of it as fine-tuning a playlist to get the party back on track.

So, whether your cortisol is throwing a wild party (hello, stress) or your estrogen and progesterone are doing a dance routine (nice to meet you, perimenopause), it's time to become the master of your hormone domain.

And guess what? Restoring balance in this hormonal chaos might just be the secret sauce your libido's been craving.

Now, let's talk about stress – the ultimate party crasher, right? It messes with your hormones, and then these misbehaving hormones stress you out even more! But remember, you're in control of your body, and you've got some tricks up your sleeve. Think meditation, yoga, or even just deep breathing. All while silently telling your hormones, "Calm down!"

And don't forget, you're not alone on this journey. There's a whole crew of us tinkering with our hormonal mixers, working to reclaim our libido. If you're wondering whether you'll ever feel like your vibrant self again, trust me, you will.

So, let's raise a glass (of kombucha, perhaps) to celebrate these mischievous hormones. They might be a handful, but with a dash of patience, a sprinkle of self-care, and a nod to your endocrine system, you'll be dancing to the rhythm of balanced hormones and reclaiming your libido in no time. 

So where do I start when it comes to Libido Type H? We begin with the basics - mindset, detox, diet, and stress - and see where we get!

3. The Communicator's Challenge: Unveiling "Libido Type C"

If you identify with "Libido Type C,"  you have the Superwoman Libido. Get ready for a journey into the realm of communication and connection, where we'll uncover the secret recipe to supercharge your desire.

Here's the scoop: Nobody’s a mind reader, not your partner, your kids, or even your closest friends. It's like we're all playing a cosmic game of "Guess What's on My Mind," and spoiler alert: no one's winning. So, if your libido is playing hide and seek, it might be time to dig out your communication cape and put it on!

Imagine this – you have wants, needs, and desires, right? But if they're tucked away like a hidden treasure, no one will ever discover them. It's like having the juiciest gossip on the block but keeping it a secret from your neighbors. Your desires hold the key to a thriving libido, but there's a twist – you've got to spill the beans.

Here's a little confession – this used to be my libido type.  I believed I could do it all – work, manage the home, handle kids' activities, you name it. It felt like I was trying to balance a thousand spinning plates with one hand tied behind my back. And you know what? It left me feeling more like a cranky robot than a human being.

I used to think that perfect multitasking was the way to go, thanks to society's rulebook. What did I achieve? A front-row seat to the "Exhausted and Resentful" show, especially when it came to bedtime – let me tell you, it's not a fun show.

Here's the real magic wand – communication. It's like fairy dust that can make resentment disappear, frustration dissipate, and connection soars. It's time to wear your superhero cape and say, "Hey, this is what I need, this is what I want, and yes, I deserve it."

Now, I won't sugarcoat it; discussing desires, needs, and boundaries can be as uncomfortable as shoes that are a size too small. But guess what? You've got this. You're not alone on this journey.

The golden nugget for this libido type: open up those lines of communication, and you might just see your libido doing a happy dance. It's like telling the universe, "Hey, I'm here, I matter, and I'm ready for more out of life."

Say goodbye to the guessing games, embrace open conversations, and learn to speak up for what you truly desire!

So, what's the game plan? In my 12-week signature program, when we focus on "Libido Type C," we dive into mindset, communication skills, and stress management to reignite your passion.

If you want to take a deeper dive into the reason behind why you have a low libido, book a call here and let’s see if I can help you out! 


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What’s Your Libido Type Quiz