The Roadblocks To A Healthy Libido

The Roadblocks to A Healthy Libido

I have been studying low libido in women for over 20 years. This is why I call myself The Libidoologist™.

Why study it? Because I have found that the topic is complex and is constantly evolving. 

There were times in my professional career that I shied away from addressing the topic with my patients because, quite honestly, I did not have any scientific studies to suggest how best to treat these patients nor did I have an FDA approved “magic” pill to make it all better. 

I had been conditioned to think that women are like men….replenish testosterone and the libido will get better.


I have tried this tactic and it has failed over and over. 

Do you know what was even more puzzling?  I found that women in their 20s with amazing testosterone levels were suffering with low libido and menopausal women with little testosterone were boasting about their skyrocketing libido! Does that make sense?  If you go back to the concept that women’s libidos are solely based on a testosterone level then I would say no. So this started my wheels turning. 

I then began to study the women I worked with. I actually started to ask them, as a routine part of their history, about their libidos. And that is when I found, when you dig deeper into a woman’s lifestyle, mindset and relationship, you may just find the missing link. 

This is when I started to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I started to map out the roadblocks that a woman may encounter on her journey through life that will put up the barrier to her having the desire that she longs for.

So, as an Ob/Gyn, many think that I am going to jump right to the hormones for a quick fix. For me, hormones are the icing on the cake! You need to go deeper to really solve the problem. And, while I do feel that hormonal imbalance does play a part, I find that many things that a woman does in her day to day life actually are the reason why her hormones are out of whack. I do not think that every woman (or even most) with low libido needs testosterone, estrogen or progesterone replacement. What they do need is to identify the root cause of why their hormones are out of balance and address that, first and foremost. 

When I address low libido in women, we start with the foundation and work our way up.  You can not construct a building on a poorly laid foundation so why would I raise a structure without paying attention to the base? This is where my low libido roadmap comes in and why I designed the Libido Type Quiz. This quiz is not all encompassing of the entire roadmap but consists of the basics behind the root cause of low libido in almost 100% of the women I work with. It is a place to start so you can start identifying the most likely cause of your low libido and begin  reconstructing your lost libido, one brick at a time!

If you’d like to see where you need to start with addressing your low libido, take the quiz here!  It will take the guesswork out of the foundational steps that you need to take to start rebuilding your desire and taking control of your life!

Take the quiz by tapping the purple button on the right! →→→


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