Why “Elite” is Your Best Weight-Loss Hack!

Do you know that close to 80% of Americans are not physically active, as defined by government standards? And there are others who are very physically active (maybe a little too much) because they are trying to outwork a poor diet!

Most Americans do not get enough fruits and vegetables in their diets. Most consume too much sodium (usually in the form of processed foods) and sugar consumption is at an all time high!

And we wonder why close to 40% of Americans are obese?  They are either inactive, have poor nutrition or both! And our kids are not too far behind! One in 5 children is obese.  This is unacceptable!

I hear so often “I eat healthy but can’t seem to lose weight” and “I am gluten-free but I can’t understand why I’m gaining weight”! So, the crowd that is eating healthy usually has an issue with portion sizes. Everything nowadays is “supersized” and “jumbo” so we have no idea what an appropriate portion size is! And gluten-free does not necessarily make it healthy. There are plenty of foods that are laden with sugar and crap and still gluten free! And we serve as role models for our kiddos so if we eat a certain way, our kids will think this is the norm and we only perpetuate the problem! 

We need to do something about 
all this nonsense! And it starts 
with you making the decision to get healthy!

Will it be easy?  Nope. It is much easier to eat donuts, sit on the couch and watch countless hours of television! If it was easy to make the change, we wouldn’t have the problems we are facing now in the US!

But the good news is, it can be simple.  

There are so many different plans, diet fads, and supplements that can make getting started so confusing and complicated.  Even I get overwhelmed at the information overload pushed on us every day.  It really doesn’t have to be that complicated to eat food you enjoy without having to cut out entire food groups and restrict yourself.

To help you keep it simple, I am doing my part and creating a COMBINED fitness and nutrition group where I will give you a workout and not only give you a step by step nutrition plan, I will coach you every inch of the way so you completely understand it! I always say, I can lead the horse to water but I can’t make it drink.  Same with people. I can give everyone the tools and resources they need (including me to coach them every step of the way) but they have to commit to trying. 

This is your chance to work directly with me as I coach you in making healthier food choices and give you a fitness program that is not only doable but fun! The workout is actually the very first program I did successfully after breaking my back and I got amazing results, even with doing the modifications! So it will be the same basic workout, yet effective, 30 minute workout but new and improved since we will be doing it together as it’s being recorded LIVE!!

There will be a chance to be recognized as an ELITE member of my Virtual Gym if you put the work in to get the results you want and you can also earn a FREE Elite tank top!  This will be the OFFICIAL test group for both the nutrition plan and fitness program so I would seize the day and get in ASAP!!

So let’s do this together! Don’t just do this for you but for your entire family and for future generations! The changes we make today will not only affect us but everyone we come in contact with! We can help influence our husbands, kids and parents to live a happier and healthier life. I have seen all come on board (in my family alone) with one simple choice to just do it for myself! Now it is a lifestyle for my entire family! ​

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